On Tuesday, April 19, 2016, the Experimental Junior High School of the University of Macedonia successfully organized a bilingual multiplier event, presenting the education outputs created within the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2/Strategic Partnership for School Education “Our School, My Future – ESL Project”. Working languages were English and Greek.
The President of the Neapolis-Sykies City Council and Education Appointee, Mr. Michalis Voulgaridis, addressed the participants. Welcoming the students and teachers from the twinned Italian school IIS Classico Lyceo G. Mazattinti, who attended the event, Mr. Voulgaridis mentioned the innovative actions taken up by the local authorities to promote education and freely provide theatrical education to the students attending school in the Municipality of Neapolis-Sykies.
Dimitrios Goudiras, Professor of Psychopedagogy at the University of Macedonia, delivered a comprehensive lecture on Early School Leaving (ESL) in Europe and Greece. The Hellenic Academy of Physical Education, which is one of the cooperating institutions within the framework of the Erasmus+ project, was represented by Thomas Kourtesis, Associate Professor at Democritus University of Thrace. Prof. Kourtesis presented a modern and interesting viewpoint on ESL, the causes behind it, and how it can be handled and prevented through Physical Education.
The lectures were followed by extensive presentations of the educational outputs created within the framework of the Erasmus+ project, which are expected to be used by teachers handling ESL-related problems at school. Good practices and innovative actions developed and introduced at the Experimental Junior High School of the University of Macedonia were also presented as a way of reducing the dropout rate in secondary schools and creating an appealing school students love. The presentations were delivered by Dr. Eleni Mouzoura, Head Teacher of the Experimental Junior High School of the University of Macedonia and legal representative of the Erasmus+ project), Physical Education teacher Dr. Maria Machairidou (project coordinator), English teacher Mr. Efthimios Mavrogeorgiadis and deputy head teacher Dr. Nikolaos Georgolios (both members of the project’s coordination team).
The event was attended by high school students, parents, teachers, and head teachers of neighboring schools, as well as university students working as interns at the Experimental Junior High School of the University of Macedonia. The event was also attended by teachers and students from the twinned school IIS Classico Lyceo G. Mazattinti, which is based in Gubio, Italy, and was on an exchange visit and hosting program for students and teachers. Photos from the event, further information about the presentations, and part of the educational outputs presented during the event can be found attached to this communique and in the gallery section of this website.