Nomenclature: Mihai Bravu” Technical Highschool
Contact address : Bucharest, , 428 Mihai Bravu highway, 3rd district
Phone/Fax number: 021321769
E – mail address :
Motto: We help you build your future !
Nomenclature: Mihai Bravu” Technical Highschool
Contact address : Bucharest, , 428 Mihai Bravu highway, 3rd district
Phone/Fax number: 021321769
E – mail address :
Motto: We help you build your future !
The Experimental Junior High School of the University of Macedonia [Peiramatiko Gymnasio Panepistimiou Makedonias] is one of the two schools associated with the University of Macedonia, based in Thessaloniki, Greece. It implements modern and innovative educational, pedagogic, and teaching methodological approaches aiming to contribute to the improvement of secondary education in Greece. Since it is staffed with teachers that have been awarded either PhD or postgraduate degrees and the quality of the education offered is supervised by the school's Scientific Supervisory Board and the national Administrative Committee for Model Experimental Schools, our Junior High School offers a multitude of activities (extracurricular activities, excellence clubs, theater group, choir, etc.) to its students, including opportunities to participate in national and international projects (cultural and environmental projects, career orientation projects, robotics competitions, Comenius and eTwinning programs, etc.). The teachers and students involved in many of these extracurricular activities and projects have received national and European quality awards for their work.
The Experimental Junior High School of the University of Macedonia initiated this project originally and acts as the coordinating school. You can find out more about us and our activities at our website: